- May 23, 2010
Tom Mitchell authored
Added Princeton copyright to sfa files, and modified src/sfa/README.txt to include the addition of the copyrights as a modification from the original source. This header should be added every time. Added BBN copyright to BBN written files that did not have the copyright header.
- May 21, 2010
Tom Mitchell authored
getslicecred prints the slice credential for debugging.
Tom Mitchell authored
Tom Mitchell authored
Tom Mitchell authored
Josh authored
Tom Mitchell authored
- May 20, 2010
Josh authored
Tom Mitchell authored
Josh authored
Josh authored
- May 19, 2010
Tom Mitchell authored
Added to base class, reference implementation and sample printing AM. Also added logger.debug statements to print the omni client exception instead of hiding it.
Tom Mitchell authored
Josh authored
Josh authored
Tom Mitchell authored
All omni methods that construct URNs now use framework.slice_name_to_urn instead of namespace.long_urn. The default implementation in Framework_Base uses namespace.long_urn. framework_pg overrides this behavior to create a URN based on the domain name of the slice authority. Additionally added some debug printouts for an exception to aid in debugging. Added pretty printing of status dict for easier reading.
Tom Mitchell authored
Tom Mitchell authored
Revealed in testing, the requirement for Python 2.6 was not documented. Added the requirement to README.txt. Also copied the version testing block from gam.py into init-ca.py, gch.py, and client.py.
Tom Mitchell authored
get_slice_cred and create_slice are implemented based on the pattern in the ProtoGENI test programs (emulab/protogeni/test). See createsliver.py and test-common.py in the emulab source tree.
Tom Mitchell authored
Tom Mitchell authored
ProtoGENI RSpec requests are hard to generate from the advertisement in a meaningful way. This is made even harder with the omnispec conversion. Punting the problem by hardcoding a simple request RSpec that will allow testing for now.
Tom Mitchell authored
URNs may be site dependent, so the framework should be responsible for creating the URN from a name. In the case of ProtoGENI, the URN depends on the slice authority, and the user should not need to know the syntax of a slice URN. The base class implementation just converts directly to URN via namespace.long_urn. In ProtoGENI the domain of the slice authority is computed based on the slice authority URL, and the URN is constructed accordingly.
- May 18, 2010
Tom Mitchell authored
Elementtree makes it hard because of the lost xmlns information. Will experiment with other alternatives to see if something else will work better.
Tom Mitchell authored
Skeletal implementation to read pg rspecs into omnispec is complete. Information is lost, however. Translation back to pg rpsec has not been implemented.
Tom Mitchell authored
Josh authored
- May 17, 2010
Tom Mitchell authored
Tom Mitchell authored
Tom Mitchell authored
- May 14, 2010
Josh authored
- May 13, 2010
Josh authored
- May 12, 2010
Tom Mitchell authored
GetVersion returns the pg style code/value/output dict on pgeni3 because it is running older code. To be removed once pgeni3 is upgraded.
Tom Mitchell authored
Tom Mitchell authored
Tom Mitchell authored
Gets the list of component managers from the ProtoGENI clearinghouse. Figures out which are AMs. Returns only those that are AMs.
Tom Mitchell authored
If timeout is passed, use the value as the timeout for the underlying socket. This will avoid waiting for xml rpc servers that aren't really there or are misbehaving.
Tom Mitchell authored
The ProtoGENI CMs are retrieved from the ProtoGENI CH. Need to filter this list down to those sites that have an AM running.
Tom Mitchell authored
No other backend methods work yet. Most will result in errors.
Tom Mitchell authored
By default logging is at info level. If --debug command line switch is used logging is at debug level. The logger named "omni" is configured so all subordinate logging should use "omni." as the prefix to get the proper logging hierarchy.